Loon UV Hot Colored Fly Finish
UV Fly Finish is the Hot colored companion to UV Clear Fly Finish and does exactly what you want it to do: instantly provide Hot color and complexity to flies. The “Hot” colors are perfect for adding hot spots and trigger points, providing a subtle glow. Lighter colors offer a life-like translucence, presenting the opportunity to build flies with a depth that couldn’t be achieved otherwise.
Perfect for hot spots
Instantly adds color to flies
Cures instantly when exposed to UV light
Loon UV Fly Finish
Hot Red
LOT UV-F0730
Hot Blue
LOT UV-F0731
Hot Orange
LOT UV-F0732
Hot Yellow
LOT UV-F0733
Hot Green
LOT UV-F0734
Hot Pink
LOT UV-F0735
Hot Purple
LOT UV-F0736
Apply Fly Finish to fly while indoors or shaded from the sun. Use applicator and/or rotating vise to form into the ideal shape. Expose to sunlight or use Loons UV Mini Lamp or UV Power Light to cure. In direct sun (or when using Loons UV Mega Light or UV Power Light) hardening should take approximately 15 seconds.